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ATSyRA Studio

ATSyRA ABS User Guide

ATSyRA ABS user guide
This user guide explains in details how to use the software, and how to take advantage of the provided tools for risk analysis using the Multi domain approach and the AssetBasedSystem (ABS) language.

1. Getting started

1.2. Starting a new ABS project

You are now ready to use ATSyRA. The interface is shown in Figure Interface. To create a new project for ABS, a generic project is sufficient: look for the menu and click File → Project…​ → General → Project.

Figure 1. Interface

2. Defining ABS Projects

2.1. Anatomy of ABS projects

A typical ABS project is composed of 4 main parts.

  • AssetType : which defines the concepts of the considered Domain.

  • Asset : which defines a model in the domain.

  • AssetType Behavior : which defines how the model will behave.

  • AssetType Contract : which defines additional structural constraints on the model.

abs concepts overview
Figure 2. ATSyRA ABS Concepts overview

On some use case, you may consider distributing AssetType, Behavior and Contract in predefined libraries so the user will focus on a editing an Asset model.

3. Running